As some of you might know in addition to parapara, I dance in our Uni's Dance Society (= everything random that our captains decide to make us do, usually hiphop-ish), so last Friday we had out team photos taken.
So I woke up earlier than usually to straighten my hair and put some make up on, only to turn up looking like this:
Anyhow, tools of trade that, quite frankly, look the same as always xD
♥ Gosh - pressed powder (02 So Natural)
♥ Lumene Natural Code Trio Eyeshadow (2 Beauty, I think...)
♥ M.A.C Fluidline Gel Eyeliner (Blacktrack, duh)
♥ Wet 'n' Wild eyeliner (black)
♥ M.A.C Mascara (Studio Fix Lash, black)
♥ M.A.C's eyelashes (as NOT seen in picture!)
♥ Lumene Arctic Definition Mineral Eyebrow Pencil (2 Grey Brown)
♥ M.A.C lipstick (Creme Cup)
A'yup. Looks like I used '2 Beauty' and all of its colours x)
The official group photo turned out like this:
Also, hail the power of photoshop. I'll tell you a secret... I did NOT have a Saints-hoodie in the picture :D
But that's all for Friday the 18th.
Btw, I bought a new top some time ago... I guess it was the same Friday, haha!
Back to business!
This Wednesday our v. captain/coach Chelsea was celebrating her birthday. Now, Wednesdays are usually social nights, meaning that different Uni societies get dressed up with different themes and go out being unnecessarily noisy and silly. That's the reason why Chelsea took over this week's social and made it her birthday social, theme: black cats and grey mice.
Of course she divided us so, that 1st and 2nd years were mice and 3rd years and commitee members were cats.
I had grey clothes so I just had to make some ears:
Excuse my super retarded face! Photo taken with flash and. I. hate. flash! xD
But you can see my awesome ears... the other is attached pretty poorly to my head.
I made them with grey and pink felt.
First I cut a piece of paper to see if it was the right size and shape. Then I cut the actual pieces of felt and sewed them together by hand. Quick and easy and everyone seemed to love my ears :3
My coursemate Cate also celebrated her birthday then, but with another theme, so it was pretty funny to go over, dressed as a mouse, when everyone else was either a goth or a chav :''D
Of course I headed to town while wearing my mouse costume because that's how we roll during socials! Luckily I went there with few Saints, so we didn't look that weird. Beside, the bus driver probably found it amusing to have three mice, two cats, a wrestler with pink thights and other random... characters in his vehicle.
My bff Ross had a birthday on Wednesday (like ACTUAL birthday. He was the only one of the three who actually had his birthday that day xD) so he was a bit weirded out when he saw me with the ears and whiskers :D
It took some explaining to make him realise that I was there also for the social and even after that he always made this weird face when he re-realised my ears xD
I ended up removing my ears earlier than I wanted to because everyone kept messing with them.
And I guess that's pretty much all of it.
Now TBBT o/
This Wednesday our v. captain/coach Chelsea was celebrating her birthday. Now, Wednesdays are usually social nights, meaning that different Uni societies get dressed up with different themes and go out being unnecessarily noisy and silly. That's the reason why Chelsea took over this week's social and made it her birthday social, theme: black cats and grey mice.
Of course she divided us so, that 1st and 2nd years were mice and 3rd years and commitee members were cats.
I had grey clothes so I just had to make some ears:
But you can see my awesome ears... the other is attached pretty poorly to my head.
I made them with grey and pink felt.
First I cut a piece of paper to see if it was the right size and shape. Then I cut the actual pieces of felt and sewed them together by hand. Quick and easy and everyone seemed to love my ears :3
My coursemate Cate also celebrated her birthday then, but with another theme, so it was pretty funny to go over, dressed as a mouse, when everyone else was either a goth or a chav :''D
Of course I headed to town while wearing my mouse costume because that's how we roll during socials! Luckily I went there with few Saints, so we didn't look that weird. Beside, the bus driver probably found it amusing to have three mice, two cats, a wrestler with pink thights and other random... characters in his vehicle.
My bff Ross had a birthday on Wednesday (like ACTUAL birthday. He was the only one of the three who actually had his birthday that day xD) so he was a bit weirded out when he saw me with the ears and whiskers :D
It took some explaining to make him realise that I was there also for the social and even after that he always made this weird face when he re-realised my ears xD
I ended up removing my ears earlier than I wanted to because everyone kept messing with them.
And I guess that's pretty much all of it.
Now TBBT o/