I've been preetttyyyy busy, until the 3rd of June.
Throughout most of May I had final assignments of the year which, of course, were somehow stressful. I even spent one day modeling for my flatmate, who's (or rather was) a costume and make up student :D
My very final assignment was on the 19th (the day right after my flatmate's and her schoolmate's fashion show) but the next day that I left to Cornwall's St. Teath with my friends where our internet died on the 3rd day... it was interesting. I played a lot of Pokémon that week.
Aaanyhooow! I've passed my first year with grades like A+, B+, B, B-, C+ and C-... Both C's annoy me to the end of the world (the teacher doesn't seem to like me), but I can live with them, I guess.
Cornwall was really nice and here are some pictures from there taken with my mobile phone (because I'm feeling generous! :3)
After I got back from Cornwall, I had to start packing since I had only a week to move them to the new flat before I left for Finland.
In the end we moved our stuff to the new flat the day before I came to Finland :D
On the Thursday I had my flight, I emptied the kitchen and the rest from my room and cleaned everything that wasn't cleaned yet... my room was SO empty after that!
In the end we moved our stuff to the new flat the day before I came to Finland :D
On the Thursday I had my flight, I emptied the kitchen and the rest from my room and cleaned everything that wasn't cleaned yet... my room was SO empty after that!
The pink splotch is probably Sarumi's gyaru fluids -nod- The cuteness must overflow at times.
ReplyDeleteBut it was there before I got there ;__; So... it must be somekind of mutant fluid that got there from me before me!