Monday, 28 January 2013

In the words of Jack Skellington: What's this?

Well, my dear readers, this is a post where I dump a stupid amount of photos of nail polishes and nails (amongst some photos of my face) I realised I haven't posted before. And can't remember what I was supposed to write about them...

Barry M. - Teal (334)

I bought this back in... October (at least that's what the photo indicates). I have NO idea why I haven't posted any samples of is before...
Anyway, it was love at first sight, what can I say :D

Quite soon after that I went nuts and bought some glitters...

Barry M. - Ruby Glitter (353)

With some, uh... Pearlfashion UK - Pomegranate. I think. No, that might've actually been Anytime - Juicy Fruit. (And this, kids, is why you need to blog about this kind of stuff immediately!)

Barry M. - Aqua Glitter (340)

With some Barry M. - Teal, because asdfghjklölkjhgfd. How good are they together!?

Barry M. - Amethyst Glitter (354)

If I remember correctly I had Barry M. - Silver Foil under all the glitter. That OR the Barry M. - Lilac Foil. I guess it could've worked better with something brighter. Next time!

If you didn't know by now, I'm a bit obsessed with Barry M. polishes.

My super duper awesome advent calendar.

I got a keyring and a magnet on top of all the chocolate. I was a very happy girl :D
Just posting this here, because.

Let's get to my face now, shall we?
Now usually, when I either
a) prefer sleep over everything,
b) am being too lazy, or
c) need to do something where I sweat
I go for a light make-up, that looks pretty much likes this:

When my hair was still beautifully orange instead of the mess it is now ;__;

So, in other words (or Jeremy Renner's) I go for brows, eyes, lips. Bit of eyeliner, mascara and some lipbalm. That's it.

And when I have time/am not lazy/am not going to sweat, I might do something more "showy", like this:

I have NO idea what's wrong with my face. I can be totally attractive when I want to be....

First I thought the make-up above was for our dance society's christmas show where I might've or might've not danced a k-pop mash-up, but then I saw photos from the show and realised that my make-up was nowhere near that...

Photo by Paul Beard.

So I assume that the make-up was just for some random night out...
Quite soon after our dance show and everything I fudged off to Finland, about which you'll read more soon-ish as soon as I sort out THOSE photos.

Make-up for friends' housewarming get together in Finland.

So that's it.. I guess.
Stay human and blog ya later~

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