Friday 19 July 2013


Hey you all beautiful and gorgeous people!

I am going to make a "Good Skin 101" post soon-ish, but definitely not this week, and probably not next week, since, as some of you know, I'm moving back to Finland this week, which means next week is pretty much me running around Helsinki, trying to sort stuff out and get some money, maybe apply for a job or two.

And not this week, because I'm supposed to be packing and cleaning, but my room looks like this at the moment:

Messy room is messy. Whoops?

Part of the kitchen 

I'm supposed to get those boxes to Finland somehow, and that's not even all the boxes! :'D
I might ask my friend, if I can leave everything that I can't fit at hers, and then just ask her to send stuff to me whenever I get some money.
I'm taking only two bags into the plane with me (plus hand baggage of course); the blue one you see in the lower photo and a smaller one, which is FULL of clothes at the moment (and still weighs only 11 kg or so, but can't fit much more).
The rest I'll hopefully be able to get when I come back for graduation.

But yeah, I'm gonna go melt now, because it's 28C outside, and at least 30C inside, and I am just NOT created for over 20C temperatures.

Stay human and blog ya later~

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Fat, skinny, normal, who the f**k cares?!

So this is something that’s been bothering me for a while, and I just feel the need to get it out now. This might get long, but please, bear with me.
What I want to talk about is weight. That is body weight.

We live in this society, infested with all kinds of diets (and I’m not now talking about someone’s general diet, I’m talking about those weight-loss ones), and media full of skinny people, and it seems to me it’s become a basic assumption, that pretty much everyone thinks everyone else wants to lose weight as well and that they should be complimented when they’ve lost weight. So basically people are worth the compliment of “You’re looking good” when they’ve lost weight. We are basically living in a time of “thin privilege” where we are, well our worth is, automatically reduced to our dress size and measurements, and where the skinnier seem to have it better (NO, I am NOT saying that skinny people don’t get discriminated, just read further, please).

Now this leads to fat shaming, and in a twisted way, also to skinny shaming, which both lead to eating and mental disorders with most people. I mean both are about shaming, discriminating people because of their appearances, and you can NOT possibly know if the person is happy about themselves and what’s going on in their head when you make a comment about their weight, be it a compliment or criticism. Unless you ask them first. For example me… well let me actually tell you a short story about me and my weight.

I never used to think about my weight, I was happy just the way I was, even with my depression and anxiety. Then I got my first mental medication, which screwed me up completely and soon enough I developed an eating disorder. I started gaining weight, but I wasn’t still thinking about my weight in a bad way. Not until people started to comment on it. I got some REALLY nasty comments every now and then, people telling me how I didn’t look healthy, that I was unhealthy. All the time I just wanted to say that it wasn’t my fault, it was my eating disorder’s. I was already anxious, now I got more anxious. Of course thanks to the nasty and constant comments, my disorder took a turn to the opposite and in a year or so I lost a ridiculous amount of weight, and when I saw some of the people who had been looking at me previously, obviously thinking about my weight as a bad thing, were now telling me how good I was looking etc. As if I wasn’t bloody gorgeous before and I only was worthy of people and their compliments now that I was skinnier.
Thing is, my weight kept falling, and soon people were saying things like “You’re gonna disappear soon.” No, I wasn’t underweight/anorexic. I was at a perfectly normal weight in my opinion, but still people felt the need to comment about it to me. Since then, many times I haven’t seen someone I know for a while, when we see they usually immediately tell me that “you’ve lost weight” like it’s a good thing.
I am not gonna lie. It’s a trigger for me. I haven’t been happy with myself since years ago when my eating disorder originally developed. Whenever someone comments on my weight, it triggers all these shitty memories in me. I hate it. Some people see me and tell me “You’ve lost weight, you’re looking good,” and all I can think is: “I don’t wanna lose weight. I’m not losing weight, because I want to. Does this mean I wasn’t good looking before?” And all these other horrifying thoughts NO ONE should deserve to be thinking.
Nowadays I just don't want to hear comments about my weight, and if I do, I escape the situation ASAP.

So that’s my story in a nutshell. So if you come to me, telling that fat shaming is completely okay, since it’ll courage “obese people” to lose weight, you can, and I’m gonna say this NICELY now: “Go fuck yourself in the ass with the prickliest cactus you can find.”
It’s okay to be concerned about the people you care, and if you think they are unhealthily over/underweight (question is over/under WHAT weight?) then TALK about it to them. NICELY. Don’t make them feel bad about themselves. Also, that BMI thing? Quite a lot of crap, lemme tell you.

Now, I don’t want any of you going to your skinny friends and tell them how privileged they are and make them feel bad about themselves either.

Fat/Skinny shaming, aka putting someone to shame because of the way they look, is someone making another human being feel bad and inadequate by discriminating them just because the other one is fatter/skinnier.
Now answer this question to me, please: Who deserves to be called names and shamed because of their looks?


If you answered: “No one” - GREAT. You are a decent human being.
If you answered: “Fat/Skinny people” – Once again, go kindly fuck yourself with a cactus.
If you answered: “*insert a name of a person here*” – You should probably re-evaluate your thinking style and reconsider if you REALLY need to call this person names and shame them because of their looks. There is still hope for you.

This is getting a bit long now, so I’ll try to wrap up soon.
The point I’m trying to make here, is that you can’t know for sure if a person wants you to comment on their weight, if they’re not happy or are happy with their weight/are trying to lose weight/etc. unless they tell you. So please dear people, unless you know that someone wants to be complimented/commented on their weight, think about saying anything before saying something. You’ll never know who has a problematic past, who are struggling with a disorder, who just plain doesn’t want to hear about it.
And do stop shaming the fat and skinny people. Do they really hurt your life that much? Are they personally offending you by being the weight they are? Have you though that they might have other problems already than dealing with your shitty way of letting out your opinions/your personal problems?

And lastly, but not least…ly, my dears, do NOT go on a diet just because you feel pressured to lose weight. Do it if you REALLY want to do it, if YOU feel like you need to do it. And don’t ever pressure other people to do the same. Never make someone feel pressured to gain/lose weight. Honestly.

Your body, your rules.

Stay human~ Sushi out!

PS. If you want any comments/recommendations about weight loss/weight gain, feel free to just comment here and ask me anything. I'll help you the best I can (and just because I'm a Bachelor of Arts, doesn't mean I don't know anything about nutrition etc.)