Wednesday 29 June 2011

I'm the Queen of Random

And this, is the Random post of Doom.
I mean it. There's really no point. Just a bunch of pics and caps to tell you what's been going on.

Let's start with the fact that I'm back from my relatives and I didn't return to Helsinki empty handed.

This. Is an old duvet cover which I'm gonna make a reversible dress out of. Hopefully.

It just depends on whether or not there's enough fabric since I don't want the hearts to go sideways :D
Sooo cute~ I got it from my aunt who doesn't use it anymore since it has a small hole.
IF I have to decide to go with only one colour, which one should I take, The white or the red one?
I also saved an old bunny plush toy that my younger cousin had abandoned. I don't have pictures of it, but you can see the green cutie jammin' with me and another bunny in my

I was looking for some sewing patterns from my aunt's old sewing magazines for the dress... but the magazines were from the "lovely" 90's...

As you can see...

Ah, since I was born in the late 80's, it means I grew up in the worst time of 90's, where the trouser legs were just a tad too short and shirts way too big with shoulder pads.
Not. Cool. Man.
The coolest things about 90's have to be the music and the cartoons.

Definitely not this...

Or these...

And this is not even that bad :D

So yeah... I might have some kind of... antipathies towards the style of the 90's x)
I know that the shoulder pads were WAY bigger in the 80's, but I still remember them so vividly from the 90's dress shirts and women's suits :'''D
And now those freaking Lady Gaga and Rihanna are trying to bring them back. Please. Stop them.

So many... and so many terrible sewing patterns...

On to happier (?) news! Let the randomness continue!

This is what I have to deal with when I wake up.

In the photo my hair isn't even that bad, it's usually way worse :D
I have naturally curly hair... not anything close to an afro, but very strong natural waves, so to say, that make my hair go EVERYWHERE.
If I straighten my hair and go out when it's raining or just otherwise humid, my hair will wave up automatically in 5 minutes or less. Nice.

Oh well, that's life and I have to thank my dad for my strong (wavy), brown hair x)
Let me continue my almost timelined story....

My return to Helsinki was soon followed by Midsummer which used to be my favourite festival but which I dislike nowadays since I usually have to spend it alone or at work.
Luckily my dear friend Iippa decided to save me from utter loneliness and boredom and came all the way from Oulainen to Helsinki to spend it with me.

We were supposed to watch almost all the Batman movies, but after the first one (Burton's Batman) stuff happened and we couldn't watch the rest... Instead we watched The Room (which is probably the worst movie ever made) and...

Did some candy box porn!

(Okay. I did.)

It all got me very... thoughtful.

We also played Amnesia! One of the very few things that actually makes me s*it my pants... every freaking time :D
All in all, my Midsummer turned out surprisingly good~

Today (well... yesterday) I went to the very centre of Helsinki to meet my friend Heli.

The Finnish National Theatre.

We met right infront of the building in question and then just... headed to Pohjoisesplanadi and even bumped into our other friend Sonja. It was pretty random and fun. We even went to Helsinki Info to ste- get some tourist quides in Japanese x)

I also realised that it's the Pride week! I was accidentally wearing the right top for it as well!

Look at my fringe! It's grown SO fast.

Yeah, I know you can't really see the top, but I'm wearing the same one in the manba photos from last year, so if you wanna see it, just go a bit back in my archive and it should be there :)
It says "Under the Rainbow" :333

So yeah... we went shopping and stuff and I bought some nail polishes with my nonexistent money...
But hey! At least my nails are cool now (DAMN YOU PHONE)!

So blurry -_-

Yeah, I used some blue and silver-ish nail polish I found from my cousin's cupboard and then used my own, new, Wet 'n' Wild Wild Shine glitter nail polish and top coat.
I stole the idea from Iippa who got it from this tutorial :3
Next time I'm gonna do another colours and it's gonna be even better. Mwah.

Aaanygays. I'm running out of randomness and I've been listening to Eye of the Tiger SO much that I should really head to bed now. Quickly.

Unkle Baourban is going quickly.

Friday 17 June 2011

Edo Haaady?

Today I have some proper pictures (that I took with my aunt's camera)! x)
Warning: this post is also full of extra a's :D

Yes, I am taking a nervous holiday from Helsinki (= a lot of people) and am visiting my relatives in Vammala, Sastamala.
Like last time (I mean Easter break) we jumped into the car with my oldest cousin and her kids and drove for about 3 hours (with all the pit stops) until we arrived to our finish line.
We've been here since Wednesday (we're leaving on Monday or Tuesday) and I'm loving it x) Green grass, flowers, bushes, trees, sauna, Little Big Planet and a big house so you can easily be alone if you want to. Ahhhhh~
And of course aunt's camera which I'm rudely abusing!

Outfit of the day.

Today I decided to go for a bit Haaady gyaru-er look with what I had packed with me.
Unlike the name suggests (and unlike some people think), it's not about dressing in as many Ed Hardy clothes and accessories as you can, oh no, it's about dressing colourfully and preferably having patterns in clothes.

Haaady, sometimes haady (if you want to Google it, I suggest 'haady'), gyaru was invented by egg and its famous model Kaoru Watanabe.

And here you also have Kaoru's haaady face! (shamefully linked from another site)

For some reason everyone seems to write "haady" instead of "haaady", but when I've seen it written in egg, it's always been with three a's so that's how I write it as well.
Not that it really disturbs me... even though I like the style, it is not my favourite x) I just noticed that you get more results in Google with "haady" (way more) :D

Haaadys love brands like JSG and Galaxxxy since they have the colours and the patterns.
Of course there are haaadys who some aim to be a bit more punk, some a bit more rock and some a bit more sweet and cute, but the style reminds (me) from 80's colourful rock style.

Here's Kaoru again, sporting the style with a strong hint of rock.
What I can read from the small print, she's wearing clothes from brands like Cocolulu (which I dearly love), Hiphop Divas, tutuHA and pumps from FLAG-J.

This picture was under the title of "Haaady PUNK". As you can see, here both Kaoru and Romihi are sporting some really showy tights.

What about the make up and hair then!?
Well, that's part why I like Haaady's make up, it is usually very colourful!
I've never noticed the hair to be nothing specific, since the focus really is on the clothes and make up.

My make up for the day was heaaaavily inspired by this:

As you all can probably tell ;D

I've done the same kind of make up maaany times before, because I just LOVE the colours!
For the eyes Kaoru's used M.A.C's eyeshadows and who knows what for the face (can't remember and I don't have the magazine with me... ooops), but my tools of trade were a bit different:

Base done with always so trustworthy Lumene Natural Code Matt Makeup (11 Cream) and 17 pressed powder (neutral).
In the picture I haven't done my eyebrows or cheeks yet, hence the paleness and lack of natural colour x)

Eyes were done with Make Up Store's microshadow (Lemon, I think), M.A.C's Electric Eel Satin eyshadow and I even used a bit of Lumene Natural Code Trio Eyeshadow's (1 Angel) light blue to change the blue of M.A.C's eyeshadow.
Eyeliners are, once again, Wet 'n' Wild's black eyeliner and M.A.C's Fluidline Gel eyeliner (Blacktrack).
No fake lashes 'cause I was being lazy AND I wanted the make up to be visible so I just used M.A.C's Studio Fix Lash to darken my eyelashes.
Afterwards I added some blush (Lumene Natural Code Mineral Bronze & Blush 10 Pinky) and defined some eyebrows (Lumene Arctic Definition Mineral Eyebrow Pencil 2 Grey Brown).
Oh! And lips with some random shiny light pink lipstick I've had since I was... 14???

Here are the eyes again:

We're actually watching the 5th Harry Potter at the moment so it's a bit weird that no one's complained about me typing... yet x)
I'd better go anyway so I won't disturb them anymore :D

Oh! Before you go, take a look at my newly decorated old mobile phone!

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Hellou, hellou!!!

Long time no blog!

I've been preetttyyyy busy, until the 3rd of June.
Throughout most of May I had final assignments of the year which, of course, were somehow stressful. I even spent one day modeling for my flatmate, who's (or rather was) a costume and make up student :D
My very final assignment was on the 19th (the day right after my flatmate's and her schoolmate's fashion show) but the next day that I left to Cornwall's St. Teath with my friends where our internet died on the 3rd day... it was interesting. I played a lot of Pokémon that week.

Aaanyhooow! I've passed my first year with grades like A+, B+, B, B-, C+ and C-... Both C's annoy me to the end of the world (the teacher doesn't seem to like me), but I can live with them, I guess.

Cornwall was really nice and here are some pictures from there taken with my mobile phone (because I'm feeling generous! :3)

St. Teath's clock tower of a kind.


My friend's house where we stayed for the week.


Port Isaac

Port Isaac had some awesome hills. I'd love to slide them on a sled :D

After I got back from Cornwall, I had to start packing since I had only a week to move them to the new flat before I left for Finland.
In the end we moved our stuff to the new flat the day before I came to Finland :D

Simba and Yoshi on the day of move :D

On the Thursday I had my flight, I emptied the kitchen and the rest from my room and cleaned everything that wasn't cleaned yet... my room was SO empty after that!

My bedside table and the bed. The walls are VERY boring now.

My drawer where I used to store most of my clothes. On top I had all my make ups, shampoos etc.

My desk and the shelf that was a home to my DVDs and books.
And last but not least...

The random pink splotch on my floor! No idea what it is x)

I sure as hell hope we'll get our deposit back. £300 is too much NOT to get back ;__;

Oh well, I guess I should stop here since this is getting loooong. And actually write some good stuff next time!
Ideas? Anything you wanna know about?