Monday 28 January 2013

In the words of Jack Skellington: What's this?

Well, my dear readers, this is a post where I dump a stupid amount of photos of nail polishes and nails (amongst some photos of my face) I realised I haven't posted before. And can't remember what I was supposed to write about them...

Barry M. - Teal (334)

I bought this back in... October (at least that's what the photo indicates). I have NO idea why I haven't posted any samples of is before...
Anyway, it was love at first sight, what can I say :D

Quite soon after that I went nuts and bought some glitters...

Barry M. - Ruby Glitter (353)

With some, uh... Pearlfashion UK - Pomegranate. I think. No, that might've actually been Anytime - Juicy Fruit. (And this, kids, is why you need to blog about this kind of stuff immediately!)

Barry M. - Aqua Glitter (340)

With some Barry M. - Teal, because asdfghjklölkjhgfd. How good are they together!?

Barry M. - Amethyst Glitter (354)

If I remember correctly I had Barry M. - Silver Foil under all the glitter. That OR the Barry M. - Lilac Foil. I guess it could've worked better with something brighter. Next time!

If you didn't know by now, I'm a bit obsessed with Barry M. polishes.

My super duper awesome advent calendar.

I got a keyring and a magnet on top of all the chocolate. I was a very happy girl :D
Just posting this here, because.

Let's get to my face now, shall we?
Now usually, when I either
a) prefer sleep over everything,
b) am being too lazy, or
c) need to do something where I sweat
I go for a light make-up, that looks pretty much likes this:

When my hair was still beautifully orange instead of the mess it is now ;__;

So, in other words (or Jeremy Renner's) I go for brows, eyes, lips. Bit of eyeliner, mascara and some lipbalm. That's it.

And when I have time/am not lazy/am not going to sweat, I might do something more "showy", like this:

I have NO idea what's wrong with my face. I can be totally attractive when I want to be....

First I thought the make-up above was for our dance society's christmas show where I might've or might've not danced a k-pop mash-up, but then I saw photos from the show and realised that my make-up was nowhere near that...

Photo by Paul Beard.

So I assume that the make-up was just for some random night out...
Quite soon after our dance show and everything I fudged off to Finland, about which you'll read more soon-ish as soon as I sort out THOSE photos.

Make-up for friends' housewarming get together in Finland.

So that's it.. I guess.
Stay human and blog ya later~

Wednesday 9 January 2013

New dresses!

Hey y'all again!

So I may be a bit ahead, but I already got dresses for Colours Ball and VoScAs :'D Which are both in May...
I didn't got to Colours Ball last year, but I did go to VoScAs and some might remember my dress from then.  This year I'm aiming to attend both, since I already got the dresses :D

Cue photos taken in our lovely kitchen which is the only place with enough space (and light) to take photos with timer....

Linny Brokade, from BikBok in Finland.

This is the one I'm planning to weat at VoScAs. It's a bit... SHORT, so I guess I'll have to get matching tights that hide my bum and undies x)

The back. Duh. You can see how short it is :D

Splash, from Forever Unique

Aaand this is the one I'll wear for Colours Ball. I originally wanted the green one, but they only had size 10 left, and apparently I'm a size 8 when it comes to Forever Unique's dresses :'D
Not that I'm complaining! The blue one is gorgeous~

No zipper! 

I panicked for a second thinking how I'm supposed to get it on. But then I realised it's stretchy enough :D

Well, then.  Now we all just need to wait until May in order to see how I'm look in these in the end x)

Stay human and blog ya later~

Sunday 6 January 2013

Airport blogging!

Yes, I am on my way back to Worcester.
Yes, I got bored in Amsterdam.

My hair's a mess D:

Talking about hair, as I went through the passport control the two guys there just went "You changed your hair!" and for a while I thought they remembered me from last time, but then they showed me my picture on the screen (which they had gotten because I went through the automatic machine-thingy that takes passports with chips) and it was my actual, colourful passport picture :D
Had I known they'd be comparing, I would've smiled more for the camera at the passport control x)

I also wish I would've been able to take the earlier flight which would be leaving about now... but nooooo... they gave me the later one which means that I might have to (most probably) spend my night Birmingham International. It wouldn't be the first time, but it's not nice either.
And if I do... well, I'll keep you all updated.

But I think I'm getting to my gate now so stay human and blog ya later~!