Saturday, 12 February 2011

So many birthdays...

New background... temporary :D (Made with Photoshop and then wallCreator... I just edited the logo away xD)
This is really not the one I've been working on, but I decided to change my blog's appearance anyway, since I got bored with the old one. There are some things I miss though ;__;
For example, in the old one I couldset the blog text colour as a default... now I have to edit it WHILE blogging... too bothersome.

Ugh. I've caught a flu (or something) again. And I'm also suffering from age crisis!
Well, what can you do when almost all of your friends are 18-20 and even though people keep mistaking you for a 18-19 year old, you still know that you're older :D

Tomorrow I'll try to do a "one day in the life of"-blog for fun :D

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