Sunday, 15 September 2013

Late Night Repairs with Sutina!

So I finally got fed up with my broken lipstick. And when I say broken, I mean BROKEN.

Long story short, I had the lipstick (Sleek -Vixen) with me in Wolf's Bane two week ago, and I carried it with me all day on the Saturday. It was warm, I kept hastily and aggressively applying it before photos and then always threw it back into my bag.
So it wasn't a surprise it kinda just exploded all over me after the long day (and partying!), since I had carried it with me, and hadn't really looked after it that well. Shame on me.

Now, I was just really bored and decided to fix it. Most of you here or who happen to be reading this might've heard of the lighter trick, which Michelle Phan also wrote about on her blog, but what to do when your lipstick looks like this:

Holey lipstick, Batman!

Like I said, it kinda just... exploded :'D And I just hastily tried to put it together with just my hands at the convention so... yeah.

Well, I don't know if there's a quicker and easier way, but this is what I did to fix it properly.
I took out:
  • my broken lipstick
  • a tablespoon
  • a candle
  • greaseproof paper
  • cling film
  • an intact lipstick (optional)

First I took out another Sleek lipstick, which was the same size width-wise:

Sleek - Amped to save the day!

Got out the greaseproof paper:

Aaand the cling wrap:

Then, starting with the greaseproof paper, I wrapped both around the intact lipstick to create a "cast" of a kind.

Oh, hello there!

After you think the cast is good to go, just clip away the excess cling wrap from the top, and gently remove it off the intact lipstick.

The cast is ready!

Okay, so now you have the cast so let's repeat and check that we have all we need:

Candle, check. Spoon, check. Lipstick, check. Cast, check.

What you want to do next, is just rudely pull/break off the lipstick from its tube, and put it on to the spoon to wait for its turn.
Next, put the cast into the tube, like this:

You can remove ALL of the lipstick from the tube, if you want to, I was too lazy for that.

It should sit quite nicely, but I highly suggest to make sure it fits with your fingers. For example I just put my pinky in and wiggled it around until I thought it was okay.
Oh! And make sure the cast is snugly around or partly inside the tube! This helps with the mess and secure a better fit for the lipstick :)

Next up:

Roast it.

No. Don't roast it. Just put the spoon (with the lipstick) over the candle and wait. Move it around a bit.

It's melting!

If you have as much lipstick on the spoon,  like I did, it will take a while and it will probably start to... bubble a bit. So just move it around and shake it gently every now and then. AVOID SPILLING.

When it's all melted, just take your lipstick tube (the one with the cast) and pour the melted lipstick carefully back into the tube:

Mine was quite bubbly at this point, but as soon as I had scraped everything I could off the spoon and into the tube, I tapped it onto the table a few times to eliminate the bubbles and to set the liquidy lipstick more evenly.
After this, into the fridge it goes!

Bye, bye. Go and... chill :D

As soon as the lipstick's in the fridge, you can go and do whatever you want. I decided to clean the mess I had made.
Timewise, 15 minutes should be enough, but I left mine for 30 minutes, just in case. And because I kinda forgot it there.

After the chosen time has passed, go back to the fridge, take your lipstick out and gently unravel it.

I should've obviously tapped a bit harder.

So there IS a high chance the lipstick will cling to the edges of the cast, like mine did, but this is relatively easily fixed.

I don't have photos of this process, but it's basically the same as fixing a smaller damage on a lipstick. I just heated the spoon up, and gently ran it over and around to smooth edges and to shape the lipstick.
Then back to the fridge!

I took the last photos before I put it into the fridge to cool off once again, but here it is:


Not perfect, actually it's quite freaking speacial, but at least it's intact :D 

So yeah, this was how I decided to fix the whole lipstick, and I will probably reshape it a bit at some point, but now it's usable once again!
Have you fixed any of your make-up lately? If yes, what and how? Share in the comments!

Stay human and blog ya later~

Oh yeah, I changed the outlook of my blog! Opinions? Yay? Nay?

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