Thursday 9 April 2015

I'm gonna tell you a story about a thing that happened to me now..

There probably comes a time like this for every uterus owner. The same fear that defies all the logic and knowledge takes over and you can't get over it until you do that one thing. That one, simple thing. You pee on the stick.

Yes, I am talking of that moment when you think you might be pregnant even if you couldn't be. Even if you don't want to. And even if you're on the pills and/or have used some other contraception, you still think that you're most probably pregnant. And why? Well, because you have ALL the symptoms (which you actually don't, since it's individual for everyone and you are probably lying to yourself).

The whole thing goes like this:

First you start getting hungrier and seem to be more tired. It could all be because of your new medication, but it could not, okay?
Then one day you feel sick for no reason, and even if you don't throw up, you still think that there has to be SOMETHING.
And then your boyfriend/girlfriend/someone accidentally touches your boobs a bit too hard, and it hurts like it's never hurt before.
Periods? Well, you either get them TOO soon or you don't get them on That Day (aka they're late). Whichever, the point is that suddenly your periods are SOMEHOW ABNORMAL.
Oh gosh, let us not forget the peeing. You are going for a pee all the time. No, it can't be because you've been drinking more than usual.

So conclusion? You are pregnant. You have the bun in the oven. No, it doesn't matter whether the last time you had sex was over 3 months ago and/or you are using somekind of birth control. You. Are. Most. Likely. Pregnant.

Now, you panic. You try to tell yourself that you can not be pregnant, you tell the reasons why not, you try to be logical with yourself but still... the panic takes over.

So now you are anxious, because, against all odds, you are pregnant... but you still want to 100% sure, so what do you do?

You go to the store or drugstore, and get a freaking pregnancy test (which never are 100% sure so I don't know why you even bother...) while acting all awkward at the counter.
You get home, you lock yourself into the toilet. In there you quickly open the package, read the instructions (which you already knew thanks to oh-so-many movies where the same thing happens), and then you pee on that motherfucking stick.

And then you wait.

And after few minutes that line that yells "NEGATIVE" appears.
And you let out the most freaking loudest, relieved sigh.
Because congrats fucker, you are not pregnant and you just overreacted.

Unless that test is positive and you freak out... But this is another story for someone who's actually experienced this to tell.

I am glad that I got to share this story with you all.
Stay human and blog ya later~

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