Sunday, 15 May 2011

Looks like I should start betting money!

Sooo... tonight we saw the final of Eurovision song contest, embraced not only by the rainbow people, but other citizens of Europe AND other continents!

I, myself, LOVE the contest in question. The clothes, the background, the stage, the lighting, the good songs, the gorgeous ladies, the hot men, the dancers, the terrible songs and costumes that are fun to diss, the ruckus that some countries getting points and some NOT getting causes and the list goes on...
All in all. I. love. it.

This year I had pretty much six favourites from which three managed to get into top 5!
Lucky!? ;D
My favourites, NOT in any specific order... well, let's make it an alphabetical order (and let's throw in the results as well for the heck of it!):
Azerbaijan (1), Denmark (5), Greece (7), Iceland (20), Moldova (12) and Sweden (3).

So yeah. Out of those six, four got into top 10 and one was close to it (only 10 points behind Lena, who was 10th somehow). Good, huh?

Azerbaijan's song was so cute and sweet and like someone said, it could very well fit into a climatic scene in Grey's Anatomy :D
Denmark was so catchy and nice! And the boys were cute as hell! I don't care if people think that they stole it from MUCC or Andreas Johnson (lol, does that mean that MUCC stole it from Andreas Johnson!? Or vice versa!?). I mean for real. Who cares. The melody is simple and it'd be a surprise if someone HAD NOT used it before!
Greece. I can't even describe what I feel when I see and hear that man singing. The rap could've been a bit better BUT HOLY SHIT THE SINGING. POWER FIST. I loved it.
Iceland was SOOOO nice! Hemmut ♥ The song was so warm. It was just lovely~
Moldova had some real party going on! You could immediately see that they're professionals when on stage. And I love the way they combine hardcore, folklore music and who knows what! I adore that kind of music~
Sweden. Saade ♥ The semi-final was the first time I saw and heard him and I have to admit, it was love at first sight/hearing. The song was good and it worked. As did the performance.

Other songs I liked were France's and UK's. Well, I loved Blue, but their song could've been better because I know they can do better. And I like opera so that's probably why I enjoyed France as well!

I am not going to go on a rant on songs I didn't like, unless someone really wants me to x)
But! I might talk something about the hair and costumes someday if I find pictures to go with them because some of them where just... what :D

So what did YOU like? And do you think I should actually say (=rant) something about the songs I didn't like?

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