Wednesday, 2 May 2012

I would like to defy your norms, if that is okay with you.

After today's Physical Theatre lecture I decided to go to Primark to see if they have some animal print leggings (which we will need for our Physical Theatre assessment, it's not like I REALLY want to wear them, and even when I have to, I'll wear something to cover my ass!), as well as to buy a new strapless bra. I was also running out of nail polish remover so I decided to kill two birds with one stone and drop by Superdrug on my way home.

What I was meant to get from my small shopping trip:
- Strapless bra
- Nail polish remover

What I ended up getting:

 Bra, a top, nail polish remover, nail buffer, crystal nail file, and two packets of hair removal cream.

Well, what else can I say than "Ooops."?
I don't even have money for all this crap so I don't know WHY I got all of that... probably because it all ended up costing me only £20. (EXCUSES, EXCUSES.)
I am still looking for jobs, and just dropped three CVs to different places AGAIN. I just hope someone would hire me soon, and if they don't, I'll just hope it was because I'm over-qualified or something.

Anyhooow, when I got home I decided to try my new bra on to see how it goes with my new dress which I got some time ago.
Btw, reason for this sudden bra purchase is the fact I am nominated for an award in our University's Students' Union's Volunteering and Society Awards. 

I don't even care that they completely screwed up my surname because I'm so excited xD

The event is held at Worcestershire County Cricket Club, which is apparently a quite nice place to hold formal events. They also informed that the dress code is formal, so I'll provide you all with a simple three row explanation which also helps to establish the fact that I needed a new bra:

Dress code: formal.
My dress: strapless.
My bras: with straps.

So after putting on my bra and the dress, I asked my flatmate Monica to take some pictures:
 Excuse my chubby feet.

 Waterfall in the back!

I said something about feeling like a spring bride, which we both laughed at. And then we just got kinda crazy...

Stepford The Tything Wives

So yeah... I do think that half of those should totally be included in a bridal catalogue. *nod nod*

I also got a new nail polish the other day, which I blame Jai for, because I saw it on her blog first!

I'm in the middle of my manicure here, hence the nail polish in places it should be.

I think that's about it this time, I'm going to go and continue my manicure now.
Stay human and blog ya later~!


  1. Tiiätkö mietin sinua tänään <3 Koska tulet suomeen?! ps. I love that top and that gorgeus white dress !!

    1. <3
      No tota ottaen huomioon ettei miulla oo tällä hetkellä edes rahaa kesäkuun vuokraan, sillä opintotuki loppuu ens kuussa, niin epäilen että jää Suomeen tuleminen lähemmäs syksyä jos ees silloinkaan :'D Haluaisin päästä matkustelemaan (minäkin haluan päästä maailmalle, muuallekin kuin Suomeen), mutta ei. Ku en kelpaa työntekijäksi minnekään xD


  2. Mmmmää mun pittää tulla sit sinne xD Ihana ulkoasu !

  3. Heehee I'm such a good influence! It looks lovely on you!
    Gorgeous dress too! xoxo
